Jakten på oppskrift av Triple Wheat Ale fra Vasileostrovskaya Brewery



Vasileostrovskaya Brewery

6.9% ABV

23 IBU 

Light Belgium style triple has its extremely bright fruity and honey notes with some spicy hint given by specific yeast. Orange peel, coriander and juniper berries (einebær) added during the brewing. Full-bodied malty beer with citrus aroma.

 Oversatt side




Et forsøk på oppskrift: 

AlexDemontazh , maybe it will turn out that strong wheat ale according to your own recipe will turn out to be even tastier.
An approximate recipe for wheat Belgians is:
1. Pilsner malt 50%
2. Unmalted wheat 40%
3. Unmalted oats 10%
Boil unmalted unmalted .
orange peel 2 gr. per liter 10 minutes before the end of cooking, coriander 1 gram per liter 10 minutes before the end of cooking. apparently the juniper is about the same 1-1.5 gr. per liter.
Hops in 60 and 15 minutes Saaz with bitterness around 10 IBU.
The hydronic module is such that it will reach the desired initial density.
Yeast by circumstance

Forslag til oppskrift:
5kg Pilsen
2kg wheat
1kg muunich 25 EBC
300g Special B

Mandarin hops Bavaria 9% and Fuggl 3.6%
Spices: 50g juniper berries, 30g red orange peel and 30g coriander
Yeast added Mangroove Jack M31 Belgian Trippel
for boiling 400ml of homemade caramel syrup and 100g of dextrose (which was in stock ..)

Rubbed for 90 minutes. from 72 to 60 degrees, hydromodule 1: 3.5, then rinsing with 15 liters of water, collected 30 liters of wort in the kettle.

Cooked for 60 minutes. At the beginning of boiling, I set 30 g of manadarin Bavaria, for 10 minutes. until the end of the spice, 5 min. clarifier, at the end of cooking 20g phaggle.

Collected 25 liters of wort with OP ~ 15%, calculated degree 7. Almost-almost got into the color. It was possible to pour in another gram of 200 Special B, but was afraid to interrupt the tastes of spices. Yeast M31 started up almost immediately. I will ferment 6 days on the primary, then 10 days on the secondary with a drop in temperature and in bottles. I'll tell you what happened in a month.

  19 Июня 16, 19:07
AlexDemontazh, может так получится, что крепкий пшеничный эль по собственному рецепту окажется еще вкусней.
Примерный рецепт пшеничных бельгийцев такой:
1. солод Pilsner 50%
2. несоложеная пшеница 40%
3. несоложеный овес 10%
Несоложенку разваривать.
апельсиновую цедру 2 гр. на литр за 10 минут до конца варки, кориандр 1 грамм на литр за 10 минут до конца варки. видимо можжевельник примерно так же 1-1.5 гр. на литр.
Хмель за 60 и 15 минут Saaz c выходом на горечь в районе 10 IBU.
Гидромодуль такой, который даст выйти на желаемую начальную плотность.
Дрожжи по обстоятельствам

Sjekk også Youtube "David Heath HomeBrew" og Belgian Tripel Beer Recipe Writing. Her går han gjennom hvilken malttyper den bør inneholde. Men jeg er usikker på om Belgian Trippel Wheat er den samme øltypen som Belgian Trippel. Jeg tror hveteinnslaget er en modifisering. 
